
Показано дописи з квітень, 2023

Top 6 best free NFT games or how to earn $100 a day playing ✔️

Would you be surprised if I told you that today it is possible just like that, from scratch to make $ 100 a day, playing online games? Maybe a lot of people don't know: there's a whole new separate genre, the audience of which is seriously growing day by day. We're talking about a recent hot topic - NFT games, Play-To-Earn crypto games, and blockchain-based games. Of course, it's growing when there's a real opportunity to get money even just for the time spent in the game itself (like Axie Infinity). You get real tokens, cryptocurrency, and then you can convert it into regular money, withdraw it, or invest it further! Also, these game tokens are constantly increasing in value! Here you can listen or see a video version of the article. There I clearly broke down all 6 games: the mechanics of the game (how to play), as well as what you need to enter the game and how to withdraw money. Before we dive into the top 6, a little disclaimer: I want to share exactly my exper